**Rockin' Red Hot Site**


Welcome to my Red Hot Chili peppers site where you can find all the latest Chili Pepper news and updates. Don't forget to scroll down and Sign my GuEsTbOoK! Also don't forget to vote on my poll which changes each month!!

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Site Updates

(d - m - y)

01 - 10 - 04 I updated the whats new page today! Theres info about Jack Irons new album and a chance to win a copy of 'Scar Tissue'! Theres also a new poll up so don't forget to vote!

01 - 05 - 04 A new Avatar has been added to the avatar page, a new site has been added to the webring, a new poll has been put up and a new page has been made called 'Your results'

10 - 04 - 04 A few more sites have been added to my webring, have you added yours yet? Scroll down to add it and you will get more traffic to your site! I've also updated the whats new page! I made a new page today! Avatars! Go check it out!

Free Guestbook from Bravenet Free Guestbook from Bravenet
Before you leave don't forget to sign my guestbook!

Whats New?

* Hi guys! Sorry i haven't updated in so long! Don't forget to give me your feedback and send in any avatars that you may have! Leave a message in my guestbook or guestmap and don't forget to give me your website so that you have the chance of being site of the week (which normally ends up staying there for a couple of months:P)

Check out the whats new page for a chance to win a copy of Anthony's book 'Scar Tissue'! 

* You can read information about Jack Irons new album "Attention Dimension" on the whats new page!

* I made a new page today! Avatars/Gifs! So far i have 78 of them all! All RHCP! Hope you like them! Also don't forget to send your avatars! Send them to chili_peppersjt@hotmail.com


**Site of the Week**

Check out www.adrianthomasdesign.com
This is a cool site, not chili peppers related though! This is my bro's website with his work and designs, theres some cool stuff there so go check it out!

If you have any suggestions for site of the week or if you would just like more hits on your site, email them to me at

Contact me

Am i missing something? Is there something you really want to know about the RHCP? You can ask me all your questions by clicking on the link below to email me. Also don't forget to write any comments that you might have in my guestbook!
Add your site to my webring! A fast way of bringing more traffic to your site! Just click join below!

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